
Extraordinary Bishop Reig Pla Speaks About His “Greatest Suffering”

Alcalá de Henares Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Pla, 75, a son of factory workers, whom Francis quickly retired because he was excellent, has talked to RevistaMision.com (December 1). • “Sailing against …More
Alcalá de Henares Bishop Juan Antonio Reig Pla, 75, a son of factory workers, whom Francis quickly retired because he was excellent, has talked to RevistaMision.com (December 1).
• “Sailing against the current makes you pay a high price. First, they discredit you, they distort your words, they mount campaigns to make you give up.”
• “If you stand with the truth, you have everything. The rest passes away, it is ephemeral, it is smoke.”
• Reig's greatest suffering is “when you don't see the truth shine in the very heart of the Church.”
• “The Lord has blessed me with much suffering. It has been the best school to learn to be like Jesus Christ.”
• About leaving the churches open during Covid, “The Church can never close. What is it, have we gone mad? A plague comes and we hide and leave people without the assistance of the sacraments?”
• During Covid: “The cathedral was always full. I celebrated every day. This now benefits us because in other places they are complaining that it is difficult …More