Daniel 2: 31-45 Statue Dream of Nebuchadnezzar Fulfilled in Church History!

Because the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament, then the prophecies that had their fulfillment in the Old Testament also have a …More
Because the entire history of the Catholic Church is prefigured by the whole history of Israel in the Old Testament, then the prophecies that had their fulfillment in the Old Testament also have a corresponding parallel fulfillment in the history of the Catholic Church!
For example, the dream of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar has a fulfillment with Babylon, Persia, Greeks and Rome. HOWEVER, since the Spoliation of the Papal States is prefigured by the Babylonian Captivity, then we can find the fulfillment of the Statue again.
Babylon = Kingdom of Italy
Persia = Fascists
Greeks = United Nations/Americans
Rome = European Union

Check out this web page for all the details!
www.maccabeanuprising.com/daniels-statue/ Plus, while you are there, check out all the other prophecies of the Book of Daniel that are also fulfilled in Catholic Church History!
Gloria Thomas
This is certainly true because St. Paul tells us so. If one interprets this idol in a spiritual sense as the beasts of a similar vision of Daniel, they all represent the various aspects of the great apostasy from God that began with pagan Babylon after the flood of Noah. This idol and these beasts may represent the "Mystery of Iniquity"; that is, the worship of Satan through all his pagan religions …More
This is certainly true because St. Paul tells us so. If one interprets this idol in a spiritual sense as the beasts of a similar vision of Daniel, they all represent the various aspects of the great apostasy from God that began with pagan Babylon after the flood of Noah. This idol and these beasts may represent the "Mystery of Iniquity"; that is, the worship of Satan through all his pagan religions and philosophies which have been "chained" by Christianity, but as a bear hibernates only to reappear (third beast), we see in our own times the recrudescence of paganism before a lax and befuddled Church.