
Mental Hospital: Jesuit University Students Cry for A Place to Cry

The executive director at the Georgetown Center for the Constitution, Ilya Shapiro, criticised on Twitter.com (January 26) Biden’s intention to only consider “black women” for a US Supreme Court nomination.

Shapiro said the “objectively best pick” was India born [male] Sri Srinivasan, who is “solid prog” but doesn’t meet this requirement “so we’ll get a lesser black woman.”

Dean William Treanor (“the American criminal legal system is broken”), let his trousers down, put Shapiro on administrative leave, and apologised “profusely” to the alleged students for “betraying” their trust by hiring Shaprio.

Black Law “Student” Association demanded a place to cry (sic!) and a "reparations package" consisting of excused absences from classes, lunches, and snacks. Treanor answered that "food [was] on the way."

Picture: Ilya Shapiro, #newsWqraecdglg

"...a 'reparations package' consisting of excused absences from classes, lunches, and snacks." And they got it! Leftist government in action.