79,7 k
Benoît XVI et les sportifs. Sa Sainteté le Pape Benoît XVI a rencontré les participants aux championnats du monde de natation le 1er août 2009 en sa résidence d'été de Castel Gandolfo.Plus
Benoît XVI et les sportifs.
Sa Sainteté le Pape Benoît XVI a rencontré les participants aux championnats du monde de natation le 1er août 2009 en sa résidence d'été de Castel Gandolfo.
Sainte Croisade
Viva il Papa Benedeto XVI !
Viva il Papa !
😇 👏
great video
Okay... Good news ! 🙂
today I see the image
but yesterday I didn't see anything
but as you have supposed
probably the problem is with my web browser
Anyway, if you are still unable to watch the video, you may download it here.
To Barbórka,
You should refresh the page of your web browser (Firefox or IE ?). Or evetually, you should clean temporary Internet files...
On my side, I don't have any problem, I am able to watch the video with Miscrosoft Internet Explorer (release 8) and Mozilla Firefox (release 3).Plus
To Barbórka,

You should refresh the page of your web browser (Firefox or IE ?). Or evetually, you should clean temporary Internet files...

On my side, I don't have any problem, I am able to watch the video with Miscrosoft Internet Explorer (release 8) and Mozilla Firefox (release 3).
there is only sound
I cannot see anything