154. Jesus is here

After choosing Jesus as a friend, we have the opportunity to welcome him as a teacher. It’s difficult to trust God with everything we hear, what they suggest in the world, but it’s up to us to create a relationship with him. Let’s verify by ourselves and with competent people, verify who God really is. Let’s not rely on half-measures, half-words, half-explanations. We want to know the true Jesus. He’s always present and waiting for us to place our trust in him.

God is Love and a Master who is Love is the best Master who exists.
A prophecy:
“‘Make straight the way of the Lord,’ as Isaiah the prophet said”. John, chapter 1, verse 23

Let’s find all the means to create a bridge between us and Jesus. Let’s enter our heart and constantly search for our master. He always lets himself be found, and especially in the good, the right, the beautiful, the true and the real, that we live and observe in people.

Let’s find some time to find Jesus. Let’s learn to be patient with ourselves, because we often block the way. Let’s learn to free the surface of the bridge, to better see on the other side. Let’s free the course so that we can quickly reach the shore where Jesus is standing. The sooner we find him, the more we will improve the quality of our lives. Jesus is already here. Let’s find him, he’s easily found.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: The heart's mission, Normand Thomas