
Witty Archbishop Tries to Teach Humourless Oligarch Journalists Some Humor

Milan Archbishop Mario Delpini has clarified that he didn't criticise Francis for appointing Bishop Oscar Cantoni of much smaller Como Diocese a cardinal instead of him.

Milan is by far the largest European diocese. Since 1894, all of Milan's archbishops have been cardinals.

Delpini said in an address to his clergy, circulated via the Italian Bishops’ Conference, he wanted to be a bit funny stressing that he appreciates Cartoni who would be a good adviser to Francis [who doesn't care for the advice of his cardinals].

Delpini is in “complete agreement” with Francis, who chooses cardinals according to his own [private] criteria [and not for the good of the Church].

In an earlier September 10 statement to News.Italy-24.com, Delpini added that he understood from the reaction to his witty speech that in the context of the oligarch media “irony is almost forbidden” and one must speak “seriously, as little as possible, and above all boringly.”

“Because if you make a joke in public, this whole [storm] is unleashed."

Picture: Mario Delpini, © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsFhravksjbe