" Their findings, described as a "dose-responsive relationship," pegged one IA to a 44% rise in risk of breast cancer, two IAs to 76% and three to 89%."

Hard truths about abortion

A new study will leave pro-choicers nervous: The more pregnancies that are terminated, the higher the woman's cancer risk becomes. One in 10 new cancers worldwide is a female …
Everyday for Life Canada
Note the article is published in the Catholic Education Research Centre. It should be front page news. But in the west governments and the MSM aren’t interested in the link between breast cancer and abortion which includes the regular use of contraception. There is just too much money at stake. The non-coverage reaction has been the same regarding the adverse effects of the experimental shot. The …More
Note the article is published in the Catholic Education Research Centre. It should be front page news. But in the west governments and the MSM aren’t interested in the link between breast cancer and abortion which includes the regular use of contraception. There is just too much money at stake. The non-coverage reaction has been the same regarding the adverse effects of the experimental shot. The big pharmaceuticals operate as legalized mafia.
Tom Jones
They are a legally protected monopoly that is like the old Standard Oil Trust.
Feel free to lobby your state Legislators in the hope of creating cracks in their armor. 6 Ways to Be a Politically Active Catholic