
Sydney Archbishop: “Relentless Attacks on Cardinal Pell”

Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney has condemned “relentless character attacks" on Cardinal Pell, the Vatican’s financial chief and former Sydney archbishop. An ongoing smear campaign is randomly accusing Pell of having abused two choirboys while he was archbishop in Melbourne.

Fisher states that “even churchmen" should be treated fairly: “Australians have a right to expect better from their legal systems and the media.”

Picture: Anthony Fischer, © Alstah , Wikipedia, CC BY-SA, #newsHpxkpketja
There have been incessant attacks on Cardinal Pell since 1997 when then, Archbishop Pell sought an injunction from the Supreme Court of Victoria to restrain the National Gallery of Victoria from publicly displaying Piss Christ artwork of a crucifix in urine which was not granted. Opposition to the Rainbow sash activists in 2001 at St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne on Pentecost Sunday further incensed …More
There have been incessant attacks on Cardinal Pell since 1997 when then, Archbishop Pell sought an injunction from the Supreme Court of Victoria to restrain the National Gallery of Victoria from publicly displaying Piss Christ artwork of a crucifix in urine which was not granted. Opposition to the Rainbow sash activists in 2001 at St Patrick's Cathedral Melbourne on Pentecost Sunday further incensed the media resulting in a smear campaign ever since.
The 'character attacks' are because Cardinal Pell has real character and integrity with regard to holding fast to the Catholic Faith.