Gloria.TV News on the 14th of May 2014 Letters: 525 children attending Italian elementary schools, one class for each region of the country, have written letters to the Pope. Today they will be handed …More
Gloria.TV News on the 14th of May 2014

Letters: 525 children attending Italian elementary schools, one class for each region of the country, have written letters to the Pope. Today they will be handed to Francis. In the letters the children ask question like: “What is your favorite soccer team?”, “Do you have a TV set?” or “Did you ever encounter God?”. One child writes to Francis: “According to me Jesus is not pleased when my father swears.”

Pedophilia Hoax: The so-called pedophilia-scandal has been blown up by anti-Catholic sentiments. Between 2004 and 2013 884 priests have been laizised for such crimes. This is less than 0.2 percent of the priest worldwide. But this number must be further reduced. According to Vatican Monsignor Charles J. Scicluna å90 percent of the cases do not regard children but sexually mature teen, 60 percent of them males. This means that only 0.02 percent of the priests were involved in pedophilia.

Kennedy Letters: On June 10, Sheppard's Irish Auction House will auction 33 letters written by Jackie Kennedy, the wife of assassinated US-president John F. Kennedy, to the Irish priest Fr Joseph Leonard. Jacqueline was 20 when she first met Fr Leonard in 1950. The correspondence lasted until Father’s death in 1964. From the letters it becomes clear that Jacqueline knew already before her marriage that her future husband was a womanizer. After Kennedy’s death she wrote: “I feel more cruelly every day what I have lost - I always would have rather lost my life than lost Jack. I have to think there is a God - or I have no hope of finding Jack again."

Holocaust: We’ve a holocaust taking place now – writes Ward Milliot on shreveporttimes.com. He refers to 60 million abortions to date in the United States. Quote: “We must put a stop to this senseless killing of our babies.” He points out to the fact that the U.S. government has been giving $500 million a year to Planned Parenthood that performs a great number of these abortions.
Planned death/parenthood targets minorities for abortions.
New York City is the capital of abortions in the entire world. New York kills more babies then the entire USA!
For the first time in history more black babies died of abortions in NY than there was live births.
Planned death/parenthood targets minorities for abortions.

New York City is the capital of abortions in the entire world. New York kills more babies then the entire USA!

For the first time in history more black babies died of abortions in NY than there was live births.
