Reading the Real Qur'an

Reading the Real Qur'an

Last Friday I was on the Sean Hannity Show, debating Muslim activist Michael Ghouse on the future of Libya.

The only problem that Ghouse fails to address is there is no respect or acceptance of "the other" in Islam. "The others" are despised, denigrated, and dawah-ed to death. Under the sharia, nonbelievers are forced live under dhimmitude, a subjugated class status denied basic human rights.

According to Ghouse, it would seem that the things in the "bad" translations that are designed to "generate hate" must not be in this Qur'an. The one he gifted to Hannity and me promotes "the world of Pluralism." So I started reading.

The first thing I noticed was that this translation uses "God" for Allah throughout, even as it shows on every page that the Allah of the Qur'an is not the G-d of the Jews or of the Christians. Hmmmm.

I found plenty of pluralism. I found Allah saying to the Jews, who "profaned the Sabbath," "Be as apes despicable!" (2:65). And saying to the Muslims that they should "fight in God's cause against those who wage war against you, and do not commit aggression, for, verily, God does not love aggressors. And slay them wherever you find them" (2:190-191). Don't commit aggression, but slay them wherever you find them. Right.

I kept reading. "And as for those women whose ill-will you have reason to fear, admonish them [first]; then leave them alone in bed; then beat them" (4:34; the bracketed word is in the book in this and all other quotes). I sure am glad I am finally reading the right translation.

The American Thinker.
" In His Image He created him" ; " Adam ,why are you hiding your face from Me?" - It is commanded for a man to pray or go about God's work with his head uncovered.When Adam transgressed against God's Commandment ,he was hiding his face ,for it no longer reflected the Image of God as he gave in into the whisper and deception of Lucifer,whose self pride brought him to destruction,for which he was …More
" In His Image He created him" ; " Adam ,why are you hiding your face from Me?" - It is commanded for a man to pray or go about God's work with his head uncovered.When Adam transgressed against God's Commandment ,he was hiding his face ,for it no longer reflected the Image of God as he gave in into the whisper and deception of Lucifer,whose self pride brought him to destruction,for which he was thrown out of Paradise... he and all other fallen angels ( who fell to reflect God's Glory).who thought like him.
"God created man in His Image and likeness " The Ten Commandments : V : " Ye shall not kill."- Genesis ,Torah(Old Testament). " The greatest commandment is this: 'Love God,thy Lord with your whole soul,mind and heart and your fellow man like yourself. On this two commandments hangs the law and the prophets." ; " Not even one iota shall be added.For whatsoever more is of the evil one,the father of …More
"God created man in His Image and likeness " The Ten Commandments : V : " Ye shall not kill."- Genesis ,Torah(Old Testament). " The greatest commandment is this: 'Love God,thy Lord with your whole soul,mind and heart and your fellow man like yourself. On this two commandments hangs the law and the prophets." ; " Not even one iota shall be added.For whatsoever more is of the evil one,the father of lies,the ancient serpent. But your father is the devil and his works ye do." - Jesus Christ ,the Living Word of the Living God,the very Word to Whom all Judgment is given and we all (regardless of race,nationality,religion,denomination) shall be judged by Him on how we had received His Word.