The regenerating power of forgiveness The regenerating power of forgiveness Sunday 17 September - XXIV of the O.T. Pope Francis has warned repeatedly that today more than ever the world needs forgiveness …More
The regenerating power of forgiveness

The regenerating power of forgiveness
Sunday 17 September - XXIV of the O.T.

Pope Francis has warned repeatedly that today more than ever the world needs forgiveness. This is because today's culture is dominated by a dictatorship of a narrow line of thought that is characterized by a fluid anthropology producing uncertain, confused, narcissistic, resentful individuals who are engaged in a continuous and ruthless war against themselves, against others, against creation... A culture fostering in man, for profit, an eternal self-dissatisfaction and a chronic inability to establish relationships that are not toxic, generating great suffering for the individual, for the community, for civil society as a whole, for the entire world. There is a need, dear brothers and sisters, to rediscover the beauty and at the same time the effectiveness of Christian anthropology in resolving the great challenges that grip the world today.
In fact, those who are "enhanced" with power from above through holy Baptism and therefore participate in the kingship of Christ are "endowed" with that divine magnanimity, empathy, tenderness and condescension capable of making the difference, that is, of revitalizing, the "necrotic tissue" of relationships between men through the "regenerating power" of forgiveness.