
Pope Francis Excommunicates Melbourne Priest

Sept. 23, 2013 Cardinal Pell recently said Pope Francis' popularity with the press was, "too good to last." That may come sooner than we all thought. This may send shock waves through the secular …More
Sept. 23, 2013
Cardinal Pell recently said Pope Francis' popularity with the press was, "too good to last." That may come sooner than we all thought. This may send shock waves through the secular media and the dissenting wing of the Church who still don't understand Pope Francis, or that mercy and charity often involve discipline.
Pope Francis just excommunicated a priest in Melbourne.
From The Age in Australia: (Edit - this is quoted text and I'm sure part of it is in error, in particular, when it suggests he was disciplined for support for 'gays.' One doesn't get disciplined for supporting people with SSA but that support does not include affirming people in engaging in any sexual activity outside the context of Sacramental Marriage.
Dissident priest Greg Reynolds has been both defrocked and excommunicated over his support for women priests and gays - the first person ever excommunicated in Melbourne, he believes.
The order comes direct from the Vatican, not at the request of Melbourne …
Hay Zeus
I wouldn't hold my breath...with tens of thousands of these heretical priests, homosexual ones..there would have to be continuous action taken with these dissidents, or nothing will change.. maybe Fr. Pfleger could be next in line. 🧐
I wouldn't hold my breath...with tens of thousands of these heretical priests, homosexual ones..there would have to be continuous action taken with these dissidents, or nothing will change.. maybe Fr. Pfleger could be next in line. 🧐

Great move - I just hope there will be more of these. The other over shadowing problem is that his bishop did nothing! His bishop needs to be removed to send a "real" message. Thank you Pope Francis. May God have mercy on us.
This is good news... but I don't think I will stop being concerned because he took out one guy... From the way that things sound, there are probably more and it should probably be done like a massive FBI sting, which takes out the small guys at the bottom along with the guys at the top...