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Since 2014: First Meeting of All Cardinals Eight years without dialogue. The consistory, which will take place in Rome beginning Saturday, is the first meeting of all cardinals since 2014. The German …More
Since 2014: First Meeting of All Cardinals

Eight years without dialogue.
The consistory, which will take place in Rome beginning Saturday, is the first meeting of all cardinals since 2014. The German Vaticanist Guido Horst writes in the Tagespost - quote: "For eight years, Francis did not lead the Church in a synodal way, but alone, that is, without 'his' cardinals."

Words and deeds. Francis will speak to the cardinals about the curia form and the ongoing synod. Horst sees the same pattern in both. Quote: “There is a lot of talk about change, but so far everything has remained the same." At Pentecost, the curia reform came into force. After that, little happened. People expected personnel changes, which did not come. Now, Francis personally heads the new dicastery for evangelisation, but who are the two pro-prefects? Who will be head of the dicastery for culture and education? For Horst, Francis is not interested in the Curia.

No dialogue. Andrea Gagliarducci writes that a report by Bishop Marco Mellino, Secretary of the Council of Cardinals, will be read at the consistory. After that, no interventions or questions to Francis are allowed. Instead, the cardinals must discuss among themselves in language groups. The rapporteurs, hand-picked by Francis, will then formulate conclusions, and manipulate the debate through their choices.

No trust. Gagliarducci criticises that the Curia reform is presented ready-made but not discussed. Francis only accepts himself as the centre of power. He does not even trust the circle of hand-picked people around him, keeps the decisions to himself, and wants to know the opinions of the cardinals only to divide them into friend and foe.

Coadjutor Pope? Gagliarducci believes that for Francis the consistory is a laboratory for the next conclave because Francis wants to determine his successor. Gagliarducci speaks of a coadjutor to the pope - a cardinal appointed by Francis to take over his office after his death. How Francis intends to enforce such a decision beyond his grave remains open.