Cardinal Dolan awards Medal to pro-abort, pro-homo “Catholic” feminist CEO of the Girl Scouts

Photo ~ Cardinal Dolan - Papable? Cardinal Dolan awards Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal to pro-abort, pro-homo “Catholic” feminist CEO of the Girl Scouts The Cardinal also presented Ms. Chávez with …More
Photo ~ Cardinal Dolan - Papable?
Cardinal Dolan awards Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal to pro-abort, pro-homo “Catholic” feminist CEO of the Girl Scouts

The Cardinal also presented Ms. Chávez with a St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Medal, an award that recognizes her outstanding contributions to the growth and development of young women in Girl Scouts of the USA.
Cardinal Dolan standing next to Anna Maria Chavez
Anna Maria Chavez leaves a professional footprint that suggests an ideology at odds with the Church.
In spite of her Catholic faith, she has publicly aligned herself with pro-abortion politicians, public figures, and organizations — and there’s no evidence that she’s ever publicly defended the Church’s specific positions on sexuality, contraception, or abortion or sought to distance herself in any way from the pro-abortion politics of her Democrat mentors. Consider:

As a law student, Chavez wrote that she “greatly admired” Geraldine Ferraro, a pro-abortion Catholic feminist, and had …More
He might not be papable, but would love to see some one make sure he is morally culpable for his actions! 😡
Ever since I saw him nodding his head at a rainbow (LGTB) mass I was like WT... Is this. Then he invited Obama to the Al Smith Dinner, after refusing to back down on his HHS mandate, despite the petitions of thousands of Catholics and Bill Donahue 's pleading "Don't do it" (President of the Catholic League) .
He became a regular clown ( note the red cheeks in the picture) when he made a joke about …
Ever since I saw him nodding his head at a rainbow (LGTB) mass I was like WT... Is this. Then he invited Obama to the Al Smith Dinner, after refusing to back down on his HHS mandate, despite the petitions of thousands of Catholics and Bill Donahue 's pleading "Don't do it" (President of the Catholic League) .
He became a regular clown ( note the red cheeks in the picture) when he made a joke about the look on Pope Francis face ( OMG what have I got myself into....with his typical belly shaking laugh "..yuk yuk yuk") after he had just been elected in the conclave.
So as of now my opinion of Cardinal Dolan is
lower than a snake's belly in a wagon rut.
I love Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, but I thik he made a wrong call on appointing Archbishop Dolan cardinal; it should have been Archbishop Charles Chaput!
Do I see letters being fired of to Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò our papal nuncio? I sure hope so! ✍️
This is a good example of how far off track and out of touch with the teaching of the Church some of our leaders actually are. May Our Lord have mercy on us.
This is a good example of how far off track and out of touch with the teaching of the Church some of our leaders actually are. May Our Lord have mercy on us.

On Guard
With traitors like Dolon, we do not have to worry about the demise of Vatican II because it will come from within. PLEASE don't even print his pictures anymore. We are all nauseated at the "open mouthed idiot who is against everything good Catholics stand for".
Leave us in peace, Dolon, the Catholic Church is NOT a political party!!!!More
With traitors like Dolon, we do not have to worry about the demise of Vatican II because it will come from within. PLEASE don't even print his pictures anymore. We are all nauseated at the "open mouthed idiot who is against everything good Catholics stand for".

Leave us in peace, Dolon, the Catholic Church is NOT a political party!!!!
Sickening! When you can't even trust your priests anymore, what's left? ... But to remain silent does more harm!