Immaculate Heart Cartouche. "The heart of Mary was represented by Moses’ ark. Firstly, like the ark, which was made of incorruptible wood, the Immaculate Heart of the Queen of Angels was never corrupted …More
Immaculate Heart Cartouche.

"The heart of Mary was represented by Moses’ ark. Firstly, like the ark, which was made of incorruptible wood, the Immaculate Heart of the Queen of Angels was never corrupted by any kind of sin. Secondly, like the ark, which was overlaid with pure gold inside and out, the Heart of the Mother of fair love was completely transformed by love and charity in the sight of God and before our own eyes. Thirdly, like the ark, which held the tablets of the Law, the Holy Spirit wrote in gold letters on his divine Mother’s sacred heart all the saintly laws that our Redeemer brought to us from heaven. Fourthly, like the ark, which contained a portion of the manna that God caused to fall from heaven to feed his people when they were in the desert, the Heart of the Mother of Jesus kept in itself the mysteries that her Son performed for us on earth, with the words of life and the divine truths that he brought to us from heaven, like a most sweet and precious manna to nourish us and give life to our souls." – St John Eudes. The London Oratory (at Brompton) is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and this cartouche with the Immaculate Heart is found above the High Altar of the church.

Source: Lawrence OP on Flickr