Shut Up in Oklahoma The public University of Oklahoma is one of the ten worst colleges in the US for free speech and freedom of conscience, David Deming writes on LewRockwell.com. In 2018 the campus …More
Shut Up in Oklahoma

The public University of Oklahoma is one of the ten worst colleges in the US for free speech and freedom of conscience, David Deming writes on LewRockwell.com. In 2018 the campus newspaper led a crusade against law professor Brian McCall for publishing Christian views in a book. A secret investigation exonerated the professor. Nevertheless, McCall was pressured into resigning his position as associate dean for academic affairs.

“Diversity Training”

At the University there is a – quotation marks – “Diversity Training” which is mandatory for both students and faculty. It requires participants to affirm that their personal views align with those of the university, without providing avenues for expressing dissenting viewpoints. This way, the University violates the First Amendment.

Indoctrination Film

In a lawsuit filed last May, a former student, Kylee McLaughlin, states that she was “bullied, harassed and discriminated against” and removed from the women’s volleyball team for having Christian viewpoints. She was forced to watch an indoctrination film titled “13th.” The 27 pages of McLaughlin’s lawsuit reads like a story of forced internment and re-education in a communist slave labor camp. She says that, for several months, the coaches engaged in discussing – quotation marks – “white privilege” and “social justice” rather than coaching volleyball.

“Eyes of Texas”

McLaughlin was not allowed to hold the opinion that the song “Eyes of Texas” is not a – quotation marks – “racist” song. Because she disagreed, she was denounced as a racist. McLaughlin was told to take down posts on social media, even though she had expressed her personal political opinions which had nothing to do with the Volleyball team. She was repeatedly bullied, called a “racist,” and a “homophobe.”

Indoctrination Replaces Teaching

More recently, the University of Oklahoma, conducted a workshop, teaching instructors – quote - “how to eliminate disfavored but constitutionally protected expression from the classroom.” Teachers were instructed to “report” any student who disagrees, for Deming, a practice reminiscent of the East German secret police, the Stasi. In other words: The workshop “teaches participants how to indoctrinate instead of how to instruct.”
Dr Bobus
It is no secret that women sports teams at universities often have lesbians on them, and sometimes that includes the coach.
Your Oklahoma tax dollars at work, eh?