A miraculous icon of St. Michael crying Rhodes. A miraculous icon of St. Michael crying Rhodes The people of Rhodes speak of a miracle after watching Saturday morning an icon of …More
A miraculous icon of St. Michael crying Rhodes.
A miraculous icon of St. Michael crying Rhodes
The people of Rhodes speak of a miracle after watching Saturday morning an icon of the Archangel Michael , who was crying in the Holy Church of the Archangel Michael in the old cemetery of Ialyssos .
At 14:00 on Metropolite Kyrillos of Rhodes went to the place where the icon can be found following reports of the faithful, to determine whether it was a miracle or other event.
The Metropolite after checking there was indeed what looked like tears on the face of the Archangel , requested that the icon is to be moved from where it was suspended.
They then looked at the back of the icon as well as the wall on which it relied to determine if there was moisture passing on the icon.
Having established that it was impossible , Metropolitan Rhodes said it was a miracle , and he asked that the icon be brought to the Church of the Holy Dormition of the Mother of God to Ialyssos public …
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Garabandal proroctví.
„Mnohi kardináli, mnohí biskupi a mnohi kňazi sú na ceste k zatrateniu a berú so sebou mnoho duší." Archanděl Michael 18.6.1965More
Garabandal proroctví.

„Mnohi kardináli, mnohí biskupi a mnohi kňazi sú na ceste k zatrateniu a berú so sebou mnoho duší." Archanděl Michael 18.6.1965
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Michael Heller
Posted: Michael
Warum weint diese Bild?Physik: Die restlichen Wasserstoffmoleküle H1 werden durch diesen einzigartigen Luftdruck aus allen Ölpickseln so zentriet in die Uagen des bildes geführt...das das wasser aus den augen kommt. Wie das möglich ist....das ist ein zeichen gottes...danach kam die schlagzeile...michael im koma...ging um die welt (auch wenn der nachname schumacher war) ...als nächstes …More
Posted: Michael
Warum weint diese Bild?Physik: Die restlichen Wasserstoffmoleküle H1 werden durch diesen einzigartigen Luftdruck aus allen Ölpickseln so zentriet in die Uagen des bildes geführt...das das wasser aus den augen kommt. Wie das möglich ist....das ist ein zeichen gottes...danach kam die schlagzeile...michael im koma...ging um die welt (auch wenn der nachname schumacher war) ...als nächstes kam der euro der ukraine...auch hier ...der erzengel michael ist schutzpatron... das sind die letzten zeichen gottes...! Wer ich bin...der Erzengel Michael....der sich das Internet zu nutzen macht...! 👏 und nein ich scherze nicht...dies kann ich auch allen gläubigen beweisen.
Libor Halik
St. Michael is the protector of all Christians and he is weeping now. It will be not good for us. He cannot guard us for ours mortal sins. God allows us to see the feelings of St. Michael throught his image. We will be punished without mercy.
Libor Halik
It is upsetting and appears to be an omen of something bad on the horizon. St. Michael is the warrior angel who is to cast Satan into Hell. Revelation 12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown …More
It is upsetting and appears to be an omen of something bad on the horizon. St. Michael is the warrior angel who is to cast Satan into Hell. Revelation 12:7-9 "And there was war in heaven, Michael and his angels waging war with the dragon. The dragon and his angels waged war, and they were not strong enough, and there was no longer a place found for them in heaven. And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole [a]world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him." There were the St. Michael prayer after every Mass. After Vatican 2 that practice discontinued. Nowadays priests rarely talk about Hell in their homilies and I think that is a tragedy. In an attempt to downplay the fire and brimstone preaching they treat Hell as though it doesn't exist. What does it mean? I can't see this as being anything but a foreboding of trouble.