
TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE WINS: Russia's Constitutional Rejection of Same Sex 'Marriage' Becomes Official …

In an overwhelming win for the Church, millions of Orthodox Christians are coming to the polls, showing …
@Dr Bobus Russia spread her errors across the world (a German idea though). Russia has never repented of her sin. Russia is not Catholic and actively persecutes anyone not Orthodox. Yes they don't have homosexual marriage. Neither does Iran.
Dr Bobus
I never proposed Russia as a model to be copied,. Putin might be Dictator for Life ,but the US is one of the leaders in spreading the Dictatorship of Relativism for life.
And the Church in the US? A recent poll showed that 31% believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.More
I never proposed Russia as a model to be copied,. Putin might be Dictator for Life ,but the US is one of the leaders in spreading the Dictatorship of Relativism for life.

And the Church in the US? A recent poll showed that 31% believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ.
Dr Bobus
At least Russia is does not have homosexual "marriage"
.....and yet Putin gets to be dictator for life.
Alex A
And that's a bad thing, outweighing the marriage amendment which was largely ceremonial anyway.
Dr Bobus
Well, we know that in the US homosexual "right" to "marriage" is not just ceremonial.
Alex A
@Jmy1975> Don't see democracies working to well, do you?