Bethlehem: Priest Attacked at Church Gate by 2 Men Harassing Worshipers. Hmtv 7.6.2018 (In Spanish) Father Fadi Shalufa, who administers the Catholic Chapel of the Milk Grotto, which is adjacent to …More
Bethlehem: Priest Attacked at Church Gate by 2 Men Harassing Worshipers.

Hmtv 7.6.2018 (In Spanish) Father Fadi Shalufa, who administers the Catholic Chapel of the Milk Grotto, which is adjacent to the Basilica of the Nativity, escaped with a minor injury, according to The Jerusalem Post.
The attack was condemned by Bishop Atallah Hannah in a statement published online in which he called the action unacceptable. “We thank God that the injury was minor, but this action is a criminal act that is far from our human, moral and national values. We reject attacks against clerics.” According to another report online, the two unidentified men harassed a group of tourists entering the church site.

In the past Shallufi, who is from the Nazareth region, has been outspoken in support of coexistence at the Milk Grotto. “Both Muslims and Christians come to the Milk Grotto and show their great love for the Virgin Mary,” he said in an interview in mid-May 2018.

In Friday’s video, the friar can be seen shortly after 4 p.m.

arguing with two men, one in a red shirt and the other in white. After he closed the gate through which tourists enter, the friar continues to exchange words with the men.

One of the men then reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black object and lunges at the clergymen through the gate.