He Threw the Pachamama Idols into Tiber River: Dr Taylor Interviews Alexander Tschugguel (#327) Please meet Alexander Tschugguel, one of the men who removed the idols from the Church of St Maria …More
He Threw the Pachamama Idols into Tiber River: Dr Taylor Interviews Alexander Tschugguel (#327)
Please meet Alexander Tschugguel, one of the men who removed the idols from the Church of St Maria Traspontina and threw them into the Tiber River. This is his first interview and Alexander explains why he did it, who he is, and the crisis in the Catholic Church facing Austria and Europe. Please pray for and support his faithful apostolate, recently renamed: Saint Boniface Institute. American can donate via Patreon: Sign up for newletter and updates at: Do you find benefit from these videos and podcasts? If so, please help me make more by becoming a Patron via Patreon (and I'll send you some signed books, merch, and benefits). Find out how to become a Patron of this show by clicking here: Dr Marshall's Book: Infiltration - The Plot to Destroy the Church from Within:…/B07R8F7RYTMore
God bless Alexander