How St. Hubert overcame his habit of skipping Mass on Sunday

Hubert was so addicted to hunting that he even went out on Good Friday! When everyone else was in church mournfully remembering the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, St. Hubert was looking for his next …More
Hubert was so addicted to hunting that he even went out on Good Friday! When everyone else was in church mournfully remembering the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, St. Hubert was looking for his next prize.
Here is what happened next,:
It happened that he was hunting one Good Friday in the forest, when all at once he saw a fine stag bearing between its horns a golden crucifix. For an instant Hubert paused, struck with wonder at the strange vision, then, believing it to be some delusion, he urged his horse towards the stag; but, instead of turning to fly, the [deer] stood confronting him with mild, imploring eyes, and a voice sounded in the huntsman’s ears, “Hubert, Hubert! how long will this idle passion for the chase tempt you to forget your salvation?” Conscience-stricken, Hubert dismounted, and, falling on his face, he cried out, “ Lord, what shall I do?”
Afterwards Hubert sought the instruction of the local bishop and began a new chapter in his life. He never missed Sunday Mass …More
That moment when you realize a Catholic symbol for Christ is currently on every campus in America
St Hubert pray for our Church
vincenzofaraone shares this
Not identical to that story, but the same happened to me without any vision. My heart was not in need to see, for I had the faith but not the discipline to begin to go to church every Sunday. At the age of 31 about I felt the Holy Spirit of God pulling me in to start going to church, as to obey his holy day of the week. Later after I was married my wife told me of a dream she had. She said that the …More
Not identical to that story, but the same happened to me without any vision. My heart was not in need to see, for I had the faith but not the discipline to begin to go to church every Sunday. At the age of 31 about I felt the Holy Spirit of God pulling me in to start going to church, as to obey his holy day of the week. Later after I was married my wife told me of a dream she had. She said that the Holy Spirit had come inside of me. She woke up strangely and amazed to tell me about it. She saw me and Jesus and a Priest together. And another person explaining to my wife to what was happening in her dream. I’ve been in Church since. Many other miracles I also received. Pray always day and nite. That is all I can say.
I love this story. It reminds me of my brothers with their obsession over fishing.