Tina 13
Pater James Manjackal M.S.F.S. Pater James Manjackal M.S.F.S. On Ash Wednesday, 10th Feb. Pope Francis,during his mass on the altar of St. Peter in the Basilica in Rome appointed Fr. James and some …More
Pater James Manjackal M.S.F.S.

Pater James Manjackal M.S.F.S.

On Ash Wednesday, 10th Feb. Pope Francis,during his mass on the altar of St. Peter in the Basilica in Rome appointed Fr. James and some 700 prieists from all over the world as "Missionary of Mercy" On the previous day Pope Francis shook hands with Fr. James and spoke words of blessings.
He recieved special faculties to for give sins that are reserved to Rome only. He is given a violet stole with the symbol of Year of Mercy.
Let us praise God for this unique blessing given to our dear Fr. James Manjackal


Fr. James Manjackal - 45years of Priesthood
1973 - 2018

Viele weitere Beiträge von ihm, Gebete, Programm Seiner Vorträge und Exerzitien finden Sie auf Seiner Homepage.

Tina 13