
Adultery Bishop: “Seeing Salvini Holding Rosary Beads, Hurt Me”

Gozo’s Bishop Mario Grech, Malta, confessed to a local radio station on August 17 that he was “hurt” when he saw the Italian Minister Matteo Salvini of the Interior invoking the patron saints of Europe and holding rosary beads in his hands.

He insinuated that Catholics who warn of illegal mass-immigration wish for a “Church-sect” and stop an alleged “renewal process” that was “initiated by the Church 60 years ago.”

Grech made headlines as an ardent support for Communion of unrepentant adulterers.

Picture: Mario Grech, Matteo Salvini, #newsGktxatspdg
Salvini kisses the rosary when Conte accuses him of making “foolish acts of religiousity that obscure the principle of secularism, the core basis of the modern state.”
Benedict Joseph
It doesn't hurt me. It is a consolation to see a public political figure acknowledge the centrality of sound faith to sound public policy. The Maltese Bergoglian Borg can go smoke a pipe.
Grech, a Bozo from Gozo
Dr Bobus
The bishop is a Company Man. A professional bureaucrat, he will say things not out of principal but from whatever position the Company takes.
He is a trimmer (cf Divine Comedy).
I recommend The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene.More
The bishop is a Company Man. A professional bureaucrat, he will say things not out of principal but from whatever position the Company takes.

He is a trimmer (cf Divine Comedy).

I recommend The Power and the Glory by Graham Greene.
These heretical "bishops" are headed for the lowest part of hell.