Since issues regarding breaking the seal of confession from time to time online, I will write the “for dummies” version of how to respond if this happens. To begin, directly breaking the seal is latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication: they are cut off from the Church and cannot licitly celebrate or receive the sacraments except if death is at hand. However, indirectly breaking the seal …More
Since issues regarding breaking the seal of confession from time to time online, I will write the “for dummies” version of how to respond if this happens. To begin, directly breaking the seal is latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication: they are cut off from the Church and cannot licitly celebrate or receive the sacraments except if death is at hand. However, indirectly breaking the seal depends on the bishop to punish as he sees fit.

Breaking the seal is extremely rare. It only happens if a priest reveals both the penitent and the confessed sin together...

What to Do If the Seal of Confession Is Broken | FrMatthewLC

Since issues regarding breaking the seal of confession from time to time online, I will write the “for dummies” version of how to respond if …
A theoretical queston, Father. What would happen if a priest revealed a sin he heard and didn't reveal the penitent directly e.g. "Sean's kid stole your tray of brownies at the children's social". But, instead, referred to the pentitent in general terms that could only apply to one person. e.g. "Next time don't leave your tray of brownies unattended when a ginger is around."(Sean's kid is the only …More
A theoretical queston, Father. What would happen if a priest revealed a sin he heard and didn't reveal the penitent directly e.g. "Sean's kid stole your tray of brownies at the children's social". But, instead, referred to the pentitent in general terms that could only apply to one person. e.g. "Next time don't leave your tray of brownies unattended when a ginger is around."(Sean's kid is the only red-haired child in parish)
Fr Matthew P Schneider LC
That would be breaking it. I would think even if you said "one of Sean's kids" when he has 5, that would be a break as you are being far too specific.
Thank you for the clarification, Father. :)