162. Let Jesus transform our heart

Jesus divinely proposes to us:
“Be merciful, just as (also) your Father is merciful.” Luke, chapter 6, verse 36
And how can we be merciful and like the Father, when we see that we have difficulty to be patient with ourselves, to be at peace? Once more the answer is the Holy Spirit.

Despite our failings and mistakes, the Holy Spirit can go through us to touch the hearts of people. Despite the little in good we think we can achieve, let’s live in peace, and we will obtain more results. With a free and happy heart, may we allow the Spirit of God to pass through our life.

Let’s let him transform our heart as well as the hearts of the people we meet. Goodness will increase, since we will let the Holy Spirit fulfill us.

Let’s reduce the noise to find peace in hearts. May our life and our heart continue to find their source of peace in God’s Heart.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Watch with faith, Normand Thomas