
Francis' Failed Reforms: Monsignore Was Intercepted for Weeks

Monsignor Mauro Carlino was intercepted for weeks before the Vatican suspended him on October 2, Italian media write.

The investigation concerns some prestigious 200 million euro properties on London’s Sloane Avenue which the Vatican owned since 2011 together with the financier Raffaele Mincione.

When Becciu left the Secretary of State, his successor Archbishop Peña Parra noticed that the returns of the property were much lower than originally assumed.

The explanations he received from Monsignore Carlino, and his subordinates Vincenzo Mauriello and Fabrizio Tirabassi, all now suspended, were unconvincing.

Peña Parra decided to buy the whole property, thus leaving the business venture with Mincione. Asked to finance the buyout, the Vatican Bank, not happy about the unexpected expense, started its own investigation.

As a result, the suspicion arose that “certain Vatican employees” had enriched themselves from the deal.

Picture: Mauro Carlino, #newsJylopsduie

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