Normand Thomas

411. Pray for his people

On the road:
“They went forth and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the word through accompanying signs.” Mark, chapter 16, verse 20

As soon as we think about the people around us who don’t walk, who don’t pray, who don’t go to Mass, Jesus invites us to the mission. He offers us the Holy Spirit, so that we may be little igniters of love in all hearts.

We can pray for his people, give them to Jesus, love them from a distance. And above all, send them the Holy Spirit every day that is given to us to transform their lives and to embellish their hearts.

The Holy Spirit is the breeze of fresh air that we can send to the people we love, to our children, so that the oxygen of their faith can be cleansed and cleared.

May the Holy Spirit invade every person we love.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: Here, where we are, Normand Thomas