Správy Gloria TV, 11.december 2014 Správy zo života Cirkvi.Více
Správy Gloria TV, 11.december 2014
Správy zo života Cirkvi.
Libor Halik sdílí
František superpapež a supercírkev.
Prorokoval o nich D. Wilkerson r.1973 velmi smutné věci.Více
František superpapež a supercírkev.

Prorokoval o nich D. Wilkerson r.1973 velmi smutné věci.
Libor Halik
L: Dle mého pozorování mezi ty mnohé dnešní jezuity, kteří jsou srdcem ateisti, patří i jezuita František Bergoglio ve Vatikáně. 11.12.2014 01:06:11 Two Parties: Pope Francis at his Wednesday Audience in St Peter's Square spoke about the Synod of the Family. He criticized the media because – quote – “they often spoke of two teams, pro and con, conservatives and liberals, and so on.” Nevertheless …Více
L: Dle mého pozorování mezi ty mnohé dnešní jezuity, kteří jsou srdcem ateisti, patří i jezuita František Bergoglio ve Vatikáně. 11.12.2014 01:06:11 Two Parties: Pope Francis at his Wednesday Audience in St Peter's Square spoke about the Synod of the Family. He criticized the media because – quote – “they often spoke of two teams, pro and con, conservatives and liberals, and so on.” Nevertheless in his last interview with La Nación the Pope himself gave this impression bashing pro-family prelates as quote – “fearful” or even accusing them of “panicking”.

Self-Absorbed Jesuits. The website the-american-catholic.com asks whether there is time for another suppression of the Jesuits. Quote: “With certain honorable exceptions, it is hard to view their antics without assuming that many of them are at heart atheists.” The website shows a 8 meters piece of rubbish weighting 700 kilos which currently hangs in the church of the Jesuits in Vienna. It means – I kid you not – to symbolize “faith and its menacing aspects”.

Love of Latin: In an interview with Paix Liturgique Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-Kiun has stated that he is a big lover of Latin. Quote: “I love Gregorian Chant and I know many pieces by heart.” He also said that the traditional Mass remains important for the future. Quote: “As all the faithful around the world the Chinese take great advantage of the tradition of the Church.”

Falling apart: There is a real possibility that the worldwide Anglican Communion falls apart according to Justin Welby, the Anglican archbishop of Canterbury. The reasons for this are according to him the introduction of female bishops and homosexual marriage.
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of December 2014