A Big Question To All Catholics

One must ask to the Traditional Catholics, are you sure you are truly and fully getting the Authentic Faith at your chapels or wherever the Latin Mass is, or are some of these so called Traditional Sects in it for power grabbing, money grabbing? Why Do I say these things?

I say them from personal experience, ever since volunteering for Ordo Militaris Catholicus, everything was growing smoothly thanks to many Traditional Sections of the Catholic Church, but now we are facing backlash, silence, black labeling the Order.

If they were truly Catholic, these different sections, wouldn't they and shouldn't they support Ordo Militaris Catholicus with open arms in the initiative we are doing to help our Persecuted Christian Brethren? You would think so and hope so.

But, in the end, we have been black labeled, to have nothing to do with us, don't take ads from us, What has changed from the beginning? Why so much hate towards Ordo Militaris?