Her ministers infiltrated by “mass of rotten flesh”

Prophecies Of Virgin Of Revelation: A Pope Will Deny The Faith

"The entire Church will undergo a tremendous trial, to clean up the mass of rotten flesh that has infiltrated into Her ministers, in particular among the Orders of poverty: a moral trial, a spiritual trial. For the time indicated in the heavenly books, priests and faithful will be placed at a perilous turning-point in the world of the lost, which will rush to the assault with whichever means: false ideologies and theologies! Supplication from both parts, the faithful and the unfaithful, will be made according to the trials. I, among you the elect, with Christ as Our Captain, will fight for you […] The wrath of Satan is no longer restrained; the Spirit of God is withdrawn from the earth, the Church will be left a widow, behold the funeral drape, She will be left to the mercy of the world. Children, become saints and sanctify yourselves more, always love each other. […] Marshal yourselves under the banner of Christ. Working in this way, you will see the fruits of victory in the awakening of consciences to the good; despite being in evil, you will see, through your cooperative and efficacious help, sinners converted and the Fold filled up with saved souls." (The Virgin of the Revelation to Bruno Cornacchiola, the 12th of April at the Tre Fontane.)**

The Day of the Great Battle

One of the most touching visions is that of 28 April 1986. Cornacchiola found himself in St. Peter’s Square and Our Lady says to him:
“Although the one who gives an order seems in error, you are bound to obey, unless that order touches faith, morality and charity. Then no! “(Op. Cit., P. 174).
Dr Bobus
I was at the Shrine multiple times. It is near Tre Fontane, where St Paul was martyred.
Sean Johnson
What about the 5 before him?