
Poroshenko Patriarch “Not A Clergyman”

Talking to Polityka newsmagazine, Orthodox Metropolitan Sawa Hrycuniak of Warsaw underscored that according to Canon Law Epifany Dumenko, the head of a newly created structure called “Orthodox Church …More
Talking to Polityka newsmagazine, Orthodox Metropolitan Sawa Hrycuniak of Warsaw underscored that according to Canon Law Epifany Dumenko, the head of a newly created structure called “Orthodox Church of Ukraine”, is not a clergyman as he was not ordained by a canonical Church.
“Great harm was done to this young layman by appointing him a metropolitan,” Sawa said.
He added that according to Church canons only the Church from which schismatics like Dumenko have fallen away has the right to re-admit them - not the Patriarchate of Constantinople.
Sawa pointed out that the Dumenko church, pushed by the nationalist Right Sector, will try to organize their own parishes among over a million of Ukrainians who live in Poland, “Chaos awaits us.”
Picture: Sawa Hrycuniak, © Romek3991 , CC BY-SA, #newsGuncmdbzfo