
Novus Ordo: An Empty Tabernacle Surrounded by Rubble

During the demolition of the church St Cuthbert in Hamilton, Scotland, the empty tabernacle remained intact and visible from the outside for several days.

The back of the tabernacle was attached to the church wall. Only on 12 December, construction workers removed it and took it to the neighbouring St Ninian's Church, writes SacraFamiliaMedia on Instagram.com.

St Cuthbert's was closed and demolished because after fifty years of Novus Ordo the congregation had deteriorated to the point where the running costs could no longer be met.

Picture: SacraFamiliaMedia, #newsUzzzwkebev

Patricia McKeever
It's shocking, it really is shocking. It's what we've known for years and some of us have pointed out (only to be lectured about our lack of charity) - belief in the Real Presence (among other key dogmas) has disappeared from the hearts and souls of the same Scottish Bishops who keep talking about the need to evangelise. They throw (our) good money after bad to build their "evangelisation" projects …More
It's shocking, it really is shocking. It's what we've known for years and some of us have pointed out (only to be lectured about our lack of charity) - belief in the Real Presence (among other key dogmas) has disappeared from the hearts and souls of the same Scottish Bishops who keep talking about the need to evangelise. They throw (our) good money after bad to build their "evangelisation" projects all the while closing/amalgamating parishes. They don't seem to join up the dots at all - if their (imaginary) evangelisation projects are successful, the lapsed will be returning in droves, and people will be converting to the Faith in said droves, only to find there is no church within miles for them to attend. DUH.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
Nail on head - the money these bishops have wasted, north and south of the border, on the pretext of improving Catholic education inside and outside of the schools, beggars belief. In the secular world, I have no doubt, they'd be up on charges of fraud or whatever. Incredible stuff.More
@English Catholic

Nail on head - the money these bishops have wasted, north and south of the border, on the pretext of improving Catholic education inside and outside of the schools, beggars belief. In the secular world, I have no doubt, they'd be up on charges of fraud or whatever. Incredible stuff.
Everyday for Life Canada
The church rubble is the perfect map of our post-modern spiritual decay.
Patricia McKeever
@Everyday for Life Canada
Absolutely true - sadly so. Well said.More
@Everyday for Life Canada

Absolutely true - sadly so. Well said.
Tony Smith
A perfect symbol of the post conciliar religion.
Patricia McKeever
@Tony Smith
Unfortunately, you are totally correct. If mere laity can see it so clearly, why can't the majority of the clergy and bishops?