
Dad’s and Mum’s it’s time to end this. FS has to GO.

Who is willing to sign this ?
Dad, Mum and ex amount of children.
Can anyone arrange for this letter or similar to gather signatures at Lifesite News?

Filial Appeal to All Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church

We ask all Cardinals and Bishops of the Catholic Church to forbid the application of Fiducia Supplicans in their dioceses.

Your Eminencies, Your Excellencies:
We, the undersigned Catholic married spouses, rejoice in gratitude to the Holy Trinity, the initiators of the Sacrament of Marriage.

We are indebted to the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church for Her unswerving promotion and teaching on Her sublime doctrine of Marriage.

We rejoice in the grace and fruit derived from the Papal Encyclicals CASTI CONNUBII and HUMANAE VITAE. Here we learn the beauty and wisdom of the Church’s teaching on marriage. An example and beacon to every spouse of goodwill, seeking the truth, meaning and fruit contained in the Sacrament of Marriage.

We rejoice in the grace to sacrifice ourselves in conformity with Sacrament of Marriage to nurture in love children for the Kingdom of Heaven.

We dearly need the fatherly support and encouragement of you, our shepherds and teachers, to remain faithful to the Sacrament of Marriage.

The precious fruit of this Sacrament, the gift of children, demands constant vigilance and sacrifice. In this we look to you, our bishops, for guidance and encouragement. It is in the mutual commitment of parents and our pastors, including you, that we nurture the love of the Church, the sure path to becoming citizens of Heaven.

We, the undersigned Catholic parents, write to you on the occasion of the latest document published by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Fiducia Supplicans, which has caused so much scandal to Catholic families.

Without delving in to the polemics of Fiducia Supplicans, we acknowledge this as a direct attack on Catholic marriage and our children
Not only mums and dads - Everyone!