
Karma? Francis' "Great Economist" Is Ruining Argentina

Mariana Mazzucato is ruining Argentina, writes Katholisches.info (April 17).

Francis called her a „great economist“ and made the pro-abortion atheist a member of the Pontifical Academy against Life.

Mazzucato is an economic adviser to Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum (pictures below 2013-2022). Her chair at the University College London was funded by George Soros.

LaNacion.com.ar reported (April 3) that Mazzucato is the favourite economist of Latin American governments: “Argentina boasts of being the first country in Latin America to implement her ideas in public policy.”

Argentina's inflation will rise to 110% (sic!) by 2023.

Picture: © World Economic Forum, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsBrrnpnzfzr

One word...."man"
Malki Tzedek
Imbeciles admiring imbeciles.