Before God Appears He Knocks into Your Door. Father Reto Nay 26th of May 2011 Sedrun, SwitzerlandMore
Before God Appears He Knocks into Your Door.

Father Reto Nay
26th of May 2011
Sedrun, Switzerland
Thank you so much, Don Reto !
Holy Cannoli
I don't follow what you mean about the "at"? Did Fr. forget to say "at" when he said "knocks 'at' your door"? Incidentally, it's knocks at "YOUR" door not knoks at "YOU" door which you incorrectly wrote in your first comment. 🤫
If it's a small error in grammar, I've learned to be very understanding to the entire Gloria.tv team especially Fr. Nay and Doina. They each speak many more languages …More

I don't follow what you mean about the "at"? Did Fr. forget to say "at" when he said "knocks 'at' your door"? Incidentally, it's knocks at "YOUR" door not knoks at "YOU" door which you incorrectly wrote in your first comment. 🤫

If it's a small error in grammar, I've learned to be very understanding to the entire Gloria.tv team especially Fr. Nay and Doina. They each speak many more languages than me so I let these small grammar or pronunciation differences go without commenting. That was not always so and several months ago I used to "correct" misprounciations etc. But, not any more.

In truth, I enjoy it when they do make little errors when speaking English. It's kind of a little game I enjoy called, let's see if we can find the mistakes made by the Gloria.tv administrators.

😁 👏 😀 😌 🚬 😎 ☕ 😘 👍 🤗
👍 Cannoli- 👏 Father Don Reto...And Don Reto does say, "at" 👍
Holy Cannoli
Yes, the knocking is proportional to the quality of one's heart. Here are my three favorites who “heard” a very loud knocking.
Yes, the knocking is proportional to the quality of one's heart. Here are my three favorites who “heard” a very loud knocking.



The Daughter's of Mary have an EXCELLENT youtube site:
I believe others have caught on, and have uploaded more of their videos 👍
I just wish they were given credit--in my case, I did give them credit when I uploaded their video...The Angelus, sung by the Daughters of Mary, in Latin
But, 😎 I did not do it on my V.Agreda video:
The Incarnation/Annunciation: The …More
The Daughter's of Mary have an EXCELLENT youtube site:
I believe others have caught on, and have uploaded more of their videos 👍
I just wish they were given credit--in my case, I did give them credit when I uploaded their video...The Angelus, sung by the Daughters of Mary, in Latin
But, 😎 I did not do it on my V.Agreda video:
The Incarnation/Annunciation: The Mystical City of God, V. M.Ágreda apologize! 😌
holyrope 3
"red-faced" 😀
😁 Well, it wasn't mine--as I, red-faced, explained to him...Let me look for the link....
holyrope 3
One last thing, as I don't want to invade anymore on Father Reto's wonderful talk.
What version of the Angelus of yours is he referring to possibly using ✍️More
One last thing, as I don't want to invade anymore on Father Reto's wonderful talk.

What version of the Angelus of yours is he referring to possibly using ✍️
Click here to send Harvey Meier a message mysticalcitymedia.com
Mystical City Media is a Roman Catholic media company focused on evangilization through multiple media channels including Christian documentaries and music. Our planned projects at this time include a documentary on the life the Franciscan mystic, Sister Mary of Agreda and eventually a full length film of the life of the Blessed …More
Click here to send Harvey Meier a message mysticalcitymedia.com
Mystical City Media is a Roman Catholic media company focused on evangilization through multiple media channels including Christian documentaries and music. Our planned projects at this time include a documentary on the life the Franciscan mystic, Sister Mary of Agreda and eventually a full length film of the life of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
✍️ @poverello Gee, you'd have to send him a message, mysticalcitymedia.com
or click, here, and see if there is a contact link....
holyrope 3
Is there anything I can read about Harvey as to what inspired him to begin such a work? How long he thinks it will take him. Is this a movie or a play? Where is site location of any filming, and is he the one choosing which parts of the four volumnes will be included in the project?
👍 Yes, he, (his name is Harvey and lives in Florida), is taking on something monumental-but, much needed!
And, yes, Mother Ágreda says that she--like Saint Faustina--was afraid to "get started"....
holyrope 3
Interesting! What a challenge to undertake something as monumental as this! May heaven reward him/her! Everyone should read this most edifying life of the Holy Family...to know how they lived, loved, sacrificed and most of all did the will of God in everything. Could never imagine how Mother Agreda felt and what she went through when chosen to take on such a great work!
Poverello: @poverello He is looking for help...Script corrections, ideas, someone to help him make his film...Do contact him 👍
✍️ Well, Poverello is working on one...
holyrope 3
IRA, Is there a play or movie being made on Mary of Agreda's "City of God"?
holyrope 3
I'm sure that goes for us all! 🤗
👏 👏 👏 THANKS!!! A priest once told me that lack of humility would be my undoing 😁 Yikes!!!!
holyrope 3
Ira... me thinks your forgiven 😇 ..... 😀 😀