Nelson Mandela Day 2018 July 18th, Nelson Mandela Day 2018, celebrates the centenary of Madiba's birth and pays tribute to his message of peace and justice.More
Nelson Mandela Day 2018
July 18th, Nelson Mandela Day 2018, celebrates the centenary of Madiba's birth and pays tribute to his message of peace and justice.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Unfortunately, Nelson Mandela Signed Law Legalizing Unlimited Abortions…/unfortunately-n…
He was a communist terrorist murderer.
Maybe the Vatican will fast track him to blessed Mandela. In truth he was just another social justice warrior. Look at South Africa today and the plight of the Afrikaner farmers.
Maudie N Mandeville
South Africa is Mandela's legacy. Just like Zimbabwe is Mugabe's and Congo is Mobuto's. Pick your poison.
Nelson Mandela was a pro-abortion fanatic. He legalized abortion (child killing) in South Africa.