Nuno Alvares
Communism and Anticommunism on the Threshold of the Millennium's Last Decade. Communism and Anticommunism on the Threshold of the Millennium's Last DecadeWritten by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira February …More
Communism and Anticommunism on the Threshold of the Millennium's Last Decade.

Communism and Anticommunism on the Threshold of the Millennium's Last DecadeWritten by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira

February 11, 1990I. Discontent: a Conflagration Sweeping the Soviet WorldDiscontent with a Capital “D”

Moscow's Frightful and Grudging Concessions

History's Greatest Outcry of IndignationII. Questioning Those Directly Responsible for Such Immense Misfortune: the Supreme Leaders of the Soviet Union and the Captive NationsIII. Questioning the Naive, the Soft, and the Collaborationists (Whether Willing or Not) in the West

Optimistic and Shallow Historians Deadened the Reaction of the Free World Against the Plots of International Communism

Public Figures in the West Did Little to Free the Victims of Soviet Slavery

Western Aid Prolonged the State of Misery

Suicidal Accomplices in the Spread of Communism

The Crusade that Never Was

A Victory of the Hard-liners Would Only Aggravate the Exasperation and the Complaints

IV. Questioning the Leaders of the Communist Parties Throughout the World

Did They See Nothing?

Did They Tell Nothing?

Did They Ask Nothing?

If They Knew about Communism's Tragic Failure, Why Did They Want It for Their Own Countries?

When a Prominent Voice Spoke the Truth – Astonishment

The Great Interrogation to Come

The Hasty Whitewashing of the Communist Parties' Facade Does Not Guarantee a Real Change of DoctrinesV. Why Did They Implacably Fight the Anticommunists, Who Created Obstacles to the Penetration of the Soviet Ignominy in Their Countries?

Networks Within the West, in the Service of the Muscovite Adversary

The Task of Other Useful Innocents

Other Collaborationists of Communism

Attempting to Demolish Through Calumny: the Inanity of the Media Uproars Against the TFPVI. The Great Cross: Fighting with Brothers in the Faith

From Pius IX to John Paul II

The Era of Vatican Ostpolitik

The TFP Amid the Storm

Interrogation? No. Rather a Brotherly Appeal(See more at:www.tfp.org