The Charterhouse de Sélignac " Hello ! mam " filming by Jean Claude Guerguy. Cine Art Loisir présente extrait du film de Jean Claude Guerguy Relief de France monasteries of the Carthusian Selignac "…Plus
The Charterhouse de Sélignac " Hello ! mam " filming by Jean Claude Guerguy.

Cine Art Loisir présente extrait du film de Jean Claude Guerguy Relief de France monasteries of the Carthusian Selignac "Hello mama" the Carthusians Face men silence the son of Saint Bruno shooting in 1998 / 2001 Already a Caramel of ars filming in 2007 to learn more about the site www.cine-art-loisir.com
Archives exclusive de Ciné Art Loisir les Chartreux de Sélignac déménagent tournage en 2001

Archives exclusive Ciné Art Loisir of the Chartreux moves to Selignac filming 2001 DV D 25 €
the Carthusians have gone to
La Grande Chartreuse France ( Dom Marie Robert )
Nd Doors France
France Reiannes vicar of Nuns
Spain vicar of Nuns

And thank you all Internet Jean claude Guerguy
www.cine-art-loisir.com ✍️Plus
the Carthusians have gone to
La Grande Chartreuse France ( Dom Marie Robert )
Nd Doors France
France Reiannes vicar of Nuns
Spain vicar of Nuns

And thank you all Internet Jean claude Guerguy

www.cine-art-loisir.com ✍️
hey that monk in the Library is American.. with his medieval laptop..! am i correct that with Selignacs closing the monks are at the Grande Chartreuse and at la Porte?
Happy Easter to you all and Happy Easter
Read more for the series of films from France Relief monasteries
www.cine-art-loisir.com ✍️