
Paris Archbishop Faces Homosex Decadence

PaixLiturgique.com (November.4) listed homosex problems recently appointed Paris Archbishop Laurent Ulrich has to face.

• A priest and theologian who made advances on seminarians was suddenly hospitalised and cast out.

• Another priest and theologian who is still teaching wrote a love letter to a 12-year-old boy. The diocese offered money. The family did not file a complaint.

• A third priest and theologian who still teaches was accused of voyeurism after showering with his pupils after sporting events he organised.

• A vicar who asked his parish priest to stop his homosexual acts was harassed by him and forced to leave the diocese.

• A high-ranking priest had a homosexual affair.

• A cleric was expelled from his order for homosexual acts and recycled in a central parish.

• Father Pierre Vivarès of Saint-Paul told LeParisien.fr in April 2019 that he was handing out communion to declared homosexuals. Later, a homosex activist profaned his church.

• Father Georges Nicholson (+2021), pastor of Saint-Eustache, justified homosexual acts in 2014 and in June 2021 allowed homosexual singer Eddy de Preto to perform in his church, singing, "I don't think I'm ready to obey your Bible / I know what you like, I don't think I've read the right books." When people protested, an enraged Preto showered them with insults.

Picture: Laurent Ulrich, #newsSazzfimwvw

Vincent Capuano
It is one of the major problems of the Church. It boils down to disobedience of the 6th and 9th commandments and teaching others to also disobey them. That implies that they really don’t believe what they say they believe. That is why clerical sodomites are confused in their thoughts and desires. Sadly their sin clouds their minds. They are to be pitied, corrected and prayed for. They should not …More
It is one of the major problems of the Church. It boils down to disobedience of the 6th and 9th commandments and teaching others to also disobey them. That implies that they really don’t believe what they say they believe. That is why clerical sodomites are confused in their thoughts and desires. Sadly their sin clouds their minds. They are to be pitied, corrected and prayed for. They should not be financially supported.