The Good Shepherd The Good Shepherd Liturgy of April 21st - Fourth Sunday of Easter Dear brothers and sisters, what is the spiritual experience that lies behind the metaphor of Jesus, the Good Shepherd …More
The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd
Liturgy of April 21st - Fourth Sunday of Easter

Dear brothers and sisters, what is the spiritual experience that lies behind the metaphor of Jesus, the Good Shepherd who loves, knows, heals, strengthens and guides his sheep to green pastures and fresh, healthy waters? It is the experience we got every time that, tired and oppressed by our sins and by the inevitable adversities, injustices, violence and wars that life reserves for us, instead of despairing and feeling sorry for ourselves, we invoke Jesus, who is waiting for nothing else to make us feel, through of His Holy Spirit, His regenerating presence. In those moments, we feel like we are lifted high, capable of climbing the mountains of adversity and walking on the stormy seas of history.
In those moments, we seem to perceive a foretaste of the immense joy that we will experience immersed in the Father's embrace of light in eternal life. This is a grace that empowers us and makes us capable of being, whatever our vocation is, those pilgrims of hope and builders of Peace that the humanity of this 21st century needs so much.