Investiture and Vows: Consoling Sisters of the Sacred Heart (Narni, Italy)
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Trösterinnen des Heiligsten Herzens Jesu: Einkleidungszeremonie und Ordensgelübde, Narni - Italien
Josefa Menendez
Josefa Menendez
One more comment from Josefa Menendez
Josefa Menendez
Absolutely beautiful - amazing they are allowed to flourish - without any visitors from the Vatican to tell them they are "rigid traditionalists"
Shhhhhhhhh🤫 Let’s not put any crazy ideas into the perverted minds of those heretical apostates who currently run the Vatican. They are already evil enough, and in all probability, even now have their eyes locked on this most holy and sublime group, ready to pounce upon them at any moment. They hate all and anything that is founded solidly upon holiness and Tradition. We must pray fervently for …More
Shhhhhhhhh🤫 Let’s not put any crazy ideas into the perverted minds of those heretical apostates who currently run the Vatican. They are already evil enough, and in all probability, even now have their eyes locked on this most holy and sublime group, ready to pounce upon them at any moment. They hate all and anything that is founded solidly upon holiness and Tradition. We must pray fervently for these beautiful Sisters, and for all of the Traditional Religious of Holy Mother Church, that Christ would protect them and sustain them in their charism and vocation, and grant unto them the peace and provision they need to perform and fulfill their calling in service to Our Lord and His Church. So…..🤐😎
Impressive, Our Lord must just love it. Those Sisters are looking like their Divine Master. DG