NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: Do you want some fries with that vax? - "Want fries with that? Mayor de Blasio took vaccination incentivization to the next level during his morning news briefing, munching on …More
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio: Do you want some fries with that vax? - "Want fries with that? Mayor de Blasio took vaccination incentivization to the next level during his morning news briefing, munching on a hamburger and fries and regaling the city’s press corps about how he might fulfill his mayoral bucket list in his final year at City Hall":
WATCH THE DE BLASIO BURGER VIDEO: nypost.com/…s-shake-shack-burger-for-breakfast-during-presser/ - youtube.com/watch?v=_SQqrQVz9r4
Mayor Bill de Blasio awkwardly chowed down on a Shake Shack burger and fries for breakfast during his press briefing Thursday -as he announced the fast food outlet is giving away free grub to New Yorkers who get the COVID-19 vaccine.
“I want you to look at these French fries and think about how great it is to get vaccinated,” Hizzoner said after stuffing some crinkle-cut spuds in his mouth. “Is it too early in the day to eat a burger?” he asked a press …More
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