Don Reto Nay

The Litany of the Sinner - Author: Maestro Aurelio Porfiri

Lord, you said that you will not abandon the lost sheep. I am lost, keep looking for me without getting tired; arise and do not let my soul end up in perdition, lost among the storms of the tempest. I know my weakness, I want to put it in front of you, never lost to your sight because I know You alone can understand, You alone can save. For this I beg you:

For my failings, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For my repeated sins, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For sinful thoughts, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the words I should not have said, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the works I did not accomplish, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For omitting to do what was good, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I hurt, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I humiliated, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I used, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I've missed, forgive me, because I'm a sinner.
For the people I have offended, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I have not been able to love, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I have scandalized, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I have disappointed, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I have disappointed, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I have deceived, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
For the people I hurt, forgive me, because I am a sinner.

Every time I have not been able to look at you, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
Every time I have not been able to listen to you, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
Every time I did not know how to love you, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
Every time I have not looked for you, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
Every time I did not adore you, forgive me, because I am a sinner.

If I despair of your grace, forgive me, for I am a sinner.
If I have not defended the faith, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
If I have confused faith with the ideology of the world, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
If I have confused mercy and justice, forgive me, because I am a sinner.
If I have mocked you to please others, forgive me, because I am a sinner.

From false humility, deliver me O Lord.
From false modesty, deliver me O Lord.
From wanting to be appreciated, deliver me O Lord.
From wanting to be accepted, deliver me O Lord.
From wanting to be recognized, deliver me O Lord.
From the desire for the praises of others, deliver me O Lord.
From the fear of loneliness, deliver me O Lord.
From the fear of not being forgiven, deliver me O Lord.
From wanting to be understood, deliver me O Lord.
From seeking the company of sin, deliver me O Lord.
From unchastity, deliver me O Lord.
From the rush to condemn, deliver me O Lord.
From the desire to judge, deliver me O Lord.
From not recognizing your justice, deliver me O Lord.
From thinking that the liturgy is my own, deliver me O Lord.
From thinking that a good intention is enough to give you glory, deliver me O Lord.
From thinking that the Mass is just a meeting of persons, deliver me O Lord.
From not thinking of your Sacrifice for our salvation, deliver me O Lord.
From senseless joy, deliver me O Lord.

I fear no evil, because you save me.
I do not fear slander, because you save me.
I'm not afraid of false charges, because you save me.
I do not fear sadness, because you save me.
I'm not afraid of depression, because you save me.
I'm not afraid of failure, because you save me.
I do not fear defeat, because you save me.
I am not afraid of despair, because you save me.
I do not fear evil, because you save me.
I am not afraid of diseases, because you save me.
I do not fear loss, because you save me.
I am not afraid of myself, because you save me.
I am not afraid of death, because you save me.

When I am lost, find me.
When I repent, forgive me.
When I pray to you, listen to me.
When I invoke you, be present to me.
When I implore you, convert me.
When I ignore you, wait for me.
When I look for you, accept me.

I entrust these intentions to you through the intercession of our Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. May you welcome them as the nothingness that they are, a nothingness but full of tears. Let these tears be the sign of a heart that seeks your face. Amen.

Aurelio Porfiri