Francis Reduces Relations with the Free Press

The Vatican has decided to further tighten the screws on journalists accredited to the Vatican, reports (9 June).

The aim is to ensure "a certain vigilance" against Francis' embarrassing remarks, even though the oligarchs' media activists do everything they can to protect Francis from criticism.

From now on, audio recordings of audiences with groups in the Apostolic Palace, previously broadcast live in the press room, will no longer be available. Prepared speeches will also no longer be available in advance.

Only the boring catechesis for Wednesday audiences and the Angelus prayer will remain accessible as before.

There are already a number of restrictions that would have been unthinkable under John Paul II and Benedict XVI, such as a ban on international press pools during visits by heads of state.

There is also a sharp control of the court journalists during Francis's plane interviews to avoid real questions.

Critical journalists are kept at a distance and interviews are granted only to selected media activists.

Leftist ideology has always been afraid of free thought and free media.


Maria delos Angeles
"slack jawed imbecile" is as I recall one Miss said.. So it happens in the secular world with the Biden