
No Roman Post for Neo-Cardinal Aguiar?

Lisbon Auxiliary Bishop Américo Aguiar, the president of the secularised World Youth Day Foundation and a Francis Cardinal will become bishop of Setúbal, predicts SeteMargens.com. Setúbal Diocese (500k Catholics; 63 priests) has been vacant since January 2022 and is not among Portugal's most important dioceses. Aguiar told media activists that he had "nothing" to say about this rumour and that he was simply awaiting instructions about his new mission which could be "to continue in Lisbon, to go to Setúbal, to the Diocese of the Armed Forces, to the Curia in Rome or any other mission".


Michael Matthew Speyrer
I wish we could suddenly and unexpectedly be rid of Yoshimori.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I wish we could be suddenly and unexpectedly rid of Pope Francis.
John A Cassani
Apparently, “red hats” are no longer honors given to important dioceses, but are merely the means to bring sycophants deeper into the Bergoglian inner circle. It’s no surprise, given the cardinals he has named from micro dioceses, but this is further confirmation. He just wants to destroy the prestige of all of the old institutions.