
Extraordinary Synod On The Family planned for October 2015, A Priest speaks

source: Traditional Catholic Priest:

Divorce And Remarrying Hurts Children

With the Extraordinary Synod On The Family planned for October 2015, we who respect God’s commandments, need to shout out clearly that Marriage vows are sacred and that the part these vows that says “Till Death Do Us Part” means what it says.
If the pope, cardinals, bishops and other powerful people in the Catholic Church cannot respect God’s law, then let us keep the suffering silent victims, the children from divorce families in their awareness. Here are two examples of suffering children have from divorce and adultery that I experienced just in the last few days.
My friend and her granddaughters were here at a parish dinner. The 12 year old had on short leggings and the other 9 year old had tight pants. I hesitated to talk with them about modesty because I had never met them before. But since the grandmother is part of the parish, I approached them with kindness. I told the 12 year old, with much kindness, that tights cause men to want to have sex with her and I knew that is not what she wanted. As you can imagine, it still did not go over that well. But we then begin to have a good talk.
The grandmother told me she has little influence with them because they live with her son’s ex-wife. So I asked what happened. The girls began to tell me how their dad “remarried”, had a child and moved to Texas 3 years ago to be with the “new wife’s” family. The girls told me how much they miss being with their dad.
Agreeing with their sadness, the 9 year old told me that she is full of sorrow inside and has no one to tell about it. She then began to cry. The older girl did not cry, but showed great pain too in her face when we were talking about their parents divorce and father moving away.
I told them that they need to come close to God and Our Lady to find someone with whom they can pour out their interior pain and that that is what God and Mary are here for, to help us when we have no one to turn to in our secret pains.
But I also told them that

read more here: www.traditionalcatholicpriest.com/…/divorce-remarry…