
Cardinal Pell has something to say about Marriage. pray for Synod 2015

source Rorate Caeli
Pell as Thomas More and Cardinal Fisher: "I will not bend to the Marriage!"

Let no one be fooled: the current incessant notes and gossip about Cardinal Pell's brilliant job in reorganizing the finances of the Holy See/Vatican City State are not really about money... They are about his brave and unbending defense of the very words spoken by Our Lord Jesus Christ Himself on marriage, divorce, and adultery. Even the Italian journalists make fun of the sudden "reappearance" of Vatileaks, once again involving the Secretariat of State, and now directed not against Benedict XVI (not a threat anymore since his resignation), or Cardinal Burke, duly demoted, but Pell, who must be forced out. As Sir Thomas More and Cardinal John Fisher, Pell is in the way and must go.

Which is why the Cardinal's short note on marriage and Henry VIII needs to be published and made known as widely as possible. That is why he is being bothered: it's not about numbers and expenses at all, it's all about the "new doctrine" on marriage...

What about Henry VIII?

By Cardinal George Pell

Interestingly, Jesus’ hard teaching that “what therefore God has joined together, let no man put asunder” (Mt 19:6) follows not long after his insistence to Peter on the necessity of forgiveness (see Mt 18:21–35).

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