
First Picture: Archbishop Viganò With Beard To Change His Appearance

Robert Moynihan (InsideTheVatican.com, July 29) has met whistleblower Archbishop Viganò and published his picture, but only from the back, concealing his location and appearance.

Vigano remains in hiding for nearly a year after his bombshell testimony that he personally told Francis about the McCarrick scandal but Francis totally ignored him and continued promoting McCarrick and his coterie.

Talking to Moynihan, Viganò mentioned that his deepest prayer is, “Come, Lord Jesus.”

A modern editor may be deaf and silent; and that is called dignity. Or he may be deaf and noisy; and that is called slashing journalism. In neither case is there any controversy; for the whole object of modern party combatants is to charge out of earshot.
Francis homomafia
He should not be in hiding, what is this ? Something out of a mafia movie...he should be heard and given a fair trial...
Benedict Joseph
Trial? He is the star witness for the prosecution. God reward this man.