Catholic priest Fidelis Moscinski will face trial today for campaigning against abortion outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Pennsylvania. If convicted over felony charges, the priest would potentially …More
Catholic priest Fidelis Moscinski will face trial today for campaigning against abortion outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Pennsylvania. If convicted over felony charges, the priest would potentially face 16 years of prison.
Disgusting job - to be a policeman. Disgusting government ordering policemen to do such things.
I shall pray for this brave priest who will definitely get his award from his heavenly Employer.
How can a priest of the Roman Catholic Church be tried fairly since his beliefs as a professed Catholic are antithetical to abortion. If I were a judge I'd dismiss the case.
The killers and thieves the law let them go ,we really are living in a world up side down
Koza Nutria