
Leadership of the Church "Very Disappointing"

According to Anna Silvas, lecturer for patristics at the University of New England, Australia, "a lot of bishops live in a sort of safety-first sort of zone.” For her “the generality of the leadership of the Church is very disappointing at the moment.” Talking to lifesitenews.com she added that she was “scandalised” about this.

Silvas also criticised, what she called, “affective papalism” and asks the question, “What happens when the Pope is disobedient to the [previous] Pope?”

Picture: Anna Silvas, © lifesitenews.com, #newsDfmbhltukd
GJA Taylor
Disappointing! To put it mildly, but it has been going on for a long time. It is now that they crawl from the shadows, these "prelates" who do not share the Catholic faith. Wolves in fancy costumes and pointy hats, who are fakes and very dangerous fakes at that.